If you're wondering what The Impossible Goal is, you can read about it here.
I'm still treading water, it feels; not much progress when I test myself each week. I wonder if I should up the speed again. Seems like when I feel I'm in a plateau, bumping up the practice speed helps -- even if I'm not getting the practice speed as is. 500 wpm is really fast, and I'm not getting it by any stretch, but I'm starting to HEAR that fast. My fingers of course aren't going that fast, except when a few good phrases pop up. So I'll push it up to approximately 525 this week and see how it goes.
I'm probably not going to get to a blog post next week, since I'll be coming home from Columbus, OH, where I'm going to represent Stenovations as a vendor at the Ohio Court Reporters Association's state convention. Maybe I'll see you there!
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