Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ten Weeks to Go

If you're wondering what The Impossible Goal is, you can read about it here.

 photo doctor_tardis1.jpg
Looks like the Guinness record attempt will be on Thursday, August 8, as far as I know.

I'm still plugging along and making small bits of progress. The past several weeks I've been doing a "slow day" where I practice a take at 330-350 so I can practice GETTING IT.

You remember when you were a student (or perhaps you're still a student) when you're on the cusp of passing a test. You're cruising along when suddenly you realize, "OMG! I'M GETTING IT! I get to move on to the next class, or I get to graduate, or I get to be certified and work!!"  Aaaaaand then you stumble and drop.

Silencing those thoughts is a skill that takes practice, just as writing steno takes practice, so that's why I've had a once-a-week "slow day."

Welp, that's about all I got for this week.

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